June 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings

 “God Is Good” 

Some question the goodness of God when they view current events. Why would God allow a deadly virus to sweep the world? Why would God allow an innocent man to be murdered? Why would God allow extreme violence that leads to even more people being murdered?

As many of you know, Ravi Zacharias recently passed away at the age of 74. He was born in India and became a Christian. He was one of the strongest voices for Christianity in the world. He often spoke in secular universities, answering difficult questions from students.

I saw a video where he was asked about God’s goodness and power. The thought is, if God is all-powerful and God is all-good, there would be no evil. Therefore we are left with the conclusion that He either lacks power or goodness since evil is so prevalent in society.

Dr. Zacharias responded to the student that he was leaving off one huge attribute of God, that God is all-knowing. Using himself in an illustration, Ravi mentioned that he was chosen to be part of an elite Air Force squad in India. He placed 3rd from a group of thousands. But as he sat across the table from the Commander, he was told, “I am rejecting you from this position.” Zacharias was devastated and asked why. He was told, “You will have to kill people in this position, and I can tell just looking at you, that you would be destroyed having to kill someone.”

His greatest dream (up to that point in his life) was extinguished. But shortly after, he heard the gospel and was saved. He then became one of the world’s leading defenders of Christianity.

Another Biblical example of this truth is found in Joseph in the Old Testament. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers at the age of 17. He cried out to God to be rescued but it never came.

Sold to Potiphar, he worked his way up to overseeing the entire operations of his master’s house. Perhaps he saw this as an answer to prayer. While he was not a free man, at least he was no longer a lowly field slave.

But disappointment struck back as his master’s wife attempted to commit adultery with Joseph. When he refused, he was thrown into prison.

While there, he worked his way up again and was soon in control of the entire prison (though still a prisoner). God again seemed to be gracious to Joseph, even though it was still only a partial answer to prayer.

When the butler and baker of Pharaoh were thrown in that very prison, Joseph ministered to them by interpreting their dreams. The baker was hung and the butler was released, just as Joseph predicted. He begged the butler to tell Pharaoh so he could be released, but the butler forgot.

Why did God allow all of this difficulty and heartache in the life of this chosen servant? Because God’s plans involved saving the nation of Israel (and a good part of the world) from starvation, a far bigger event than simply being released and returning home. Had God answered Joseph’s original prayers and freed him any sooner, the nation of Israel would never have survived.

Why won’t God answer your prayers for relief from difficulty? If God is all-good, why would He allow you to suffer as you have? Perhaps the answer lies in this: He has something better in mind for you. He wants you to have patient faith and allow Him to rescue you in a far greater fashion than you could possibly foresee. Never forget: GOD IS GOOD!


Exciting days are ahead! Sunday night, June 7, Dr. Allen Hatch will preach for us. While we have not yet opened Sunday night services, we are making an exception and asking you to come support this man of God.

Virtual VBS will run June 14-17 and June 21 at 6:00 pm every night. We will have Missionary Stephen Carrier in our June 28 pm service.

Finally, Sunday morning, July 5, Lt. Col. Mark McDaniel will speak on God and Country Day. He is the 10th Air Force chaplain liaison as part of the 301st Fighter Wing. He is an Iraq war veteran and has spoken at the Pentagon.


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision

