July 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings

 “What Lies Ahead?”

Imagine if sometime in late 2019  someone told you how 2020 would unroll. You wouldn’t have believed them. Remember the good old days of impeachment and the State of the Union speech being ripped up? All of that seems to be a distant memory now.

We worshipped together, then we worshipped apart, and now we are worshipping together again, and there is a huge difference between the two experiences. We have been back together about eight weeks, and the attendance is so great that we are moving to a second service.

Beginning Sunday, July 5, Calvary will again have an 8:30am service, but it will be a little different. We will have very little, if any, congregational singing. We will also require masks of everyone in the early service. If you don’t want to wear a mask, please do not come to that service (masks will be available if you do not have one).

Sunday school at 9:30 and a second service at 10:30 will continue as before, but we will be cutting back a little on congregational singing in the late service, too.

But what lies ahead? Will we have to move services back to online only if things get worse (for all the news about “covid spikes” the media is mysteriously missing the fact that deaths have fallen dramatically and are still falling)? Will we ever feel “normal” again? Will even one case of covid-19 ever be attributed to rioters?

Here is what I do know! I know that God saw all of this would happen before He created the world. I know nothing has taken Him by surprise. I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand!

This is a time for prayer. Pray for the President and Vice-President. Pray for the (not quite) Supreme Court. Remember members of the House and Senate when you lift your petitions. Pray for our country. While this is not the most difficult time in our history, it certainly ranks near the top.

Pray for our church family, your own family, and for Cleburne and surrounding towns. Pray for our local elected officials and school administrators as they decide about the coming school year.

So many people are having to make decisions (including myself) that will only be made once in their lifetime (I certainly hope we never see anything like this again).

Pray for yourself, that you will remain focused on Jesus Christ. And keep your eyes on the eastern skies as we remember that “redemption draweth nigh.”


I must share a little humor. It seems that several numbers were sitting around a table one day, when 13 stood up and said, “I am the single worst number! I am bad luck and frighten many people.”

Not to be outdone, 666 stood up and said, “You have nothing on me. I’m the Mark of the Beast and just saying my name frightens everyone.” They argued back and forth for awhile until a third number stood up. Everyone immediately knew this number beat them all, and all argument ceased.

It was 2020.


A reminder of some upcoming dates: Sunday morning, July 5, in both morning services, we will hear from Lt. Col. Mark McDaniel. He is the 10th Air Force chaplain liaison, and has served in Iraq. He has spoken at the Pentagon and is considered an expert in the field of PTSD. This Sunday is also God and Country Day.

Tuesday night, July 7, at 7:00pm we will have the West Coast Baptist College singers in our midweek service (note that it will be Tuesday, NOT Wednesday). We have hosted them several times and they are always a blessing.


I don’t have a date or details ironed out, but soon we will begin relational discipleship. This is different from regular preaching or even Sunday School. It involves a small group (usually 4-6 people) meeting once a week to learn both basic and advanced lessons. It is relational because we want our friendships at Calvary to grow deeper along with our knowledge. It is also practical as we mix in the “how-to” of ministry. Keep this in your prayers, and look for further announcements in the near future!


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


June 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings

 “God Is Good” 

Some question the goodness of God when they view current events. Why would God allow a deadly virus to sweep the world? Why would God allow an innocent man to be murdered? Why would God allow extreme violence that leads to even more people being murdered?

As many of you know, Ravi Zacharias recently passed away at the age of 74. He was born in India and became a Christian. He was one of the strongest voices for Christianity in the world. He often spoke in secular universities, answering difficult questions from students.

I saw a video where he was asked about God’s goodness and power. The thought is, if God is all-powerful and God is all-good, there would be no evil. Therefore we are left with the conclusion that He either lacks power or goodness since evil is so prevalent in society.

Dr. Zacharias responded to the student that he was leaving off one huge attribute of God, that God is all-knowing. Using himself in an illustration, Ravi mentioned that he was chosen to be part of an elite Air Force squad in India. He placed 3rd from a group of thousands. But as he sat across the table from the Commander, he was told, “I am rejecting you from this position.” Zacharias was devastated and asked why. He was told, “You will have to kill people in this position, and I can tell just looking at you, that you would be destroyed having to kill someone.”

His greatest dream (up to that point in his life) was extinguished. But shortly after, he heard the gospel and was saved. He then became one of the world’s leading defenders of Christianity.

Another Biblical example of this truth is found in Joseph in the Old Testament. He was sold into slavery by his own brothers at the age of 17. He cried out to God to be rescued but it never came.

Sold to Potiphar, he worked his way up to overseeing the entire operations of his master’s house. Perhaps he saw this as an answer to prayer. While he was not a free man, at least he was no longer a lowly field slave.

But disappointment struck back as his master’s wife attempted to commit adultery with Joseph. When he refused, he was thrown into prison.

While there, he worked his way up again and was soon in control of the entire prison (though still a prisoner). God again seemed to be gracious to Joseph, even though it was still only a partial answer to prayer.

When the butler and baker of Pharaoh were thrown in that very prison, Joseph ministered to them by interpreting their dreams. The baker was hung and the butler was released, just as Joseph predicted. He begged the butler to tell Pharaoh so he could be released, but the butler forgot.

Why did God allow all of this difficulty and heartache in the life of this chosen servant? Because God’s plans involved saving the nation of Israel (and a good part of the world) from starvation, a far bigger event than simply being released and returning home. Had God answered Joseph’s original prayers and freed him any sooner, the nation of Israel would never have survived.

Why won’t God answer your prayers for relief from difficulty? If God is all-good, why would He allow you to suffer as you have? Perhaps the answer lies in this: He has something better in mind for you. He wants you to have patient faith and allow Him to rescue you in a far greater fashion than you could possibly foresee. Never forget: GOD IS GOOD!


Exciting days are ahead! Sunday night, June 7, Dr. Allen Hatch will preach for us. While we have not yet opened Sunday night services, we are making an exception and asking you to come support this man of God.

Virtual VBS will run June 14-17 and June 21 at 6:00 pm every night. We will have Missionary Stephen Carrier in our June 28 pm service.

Finally, Sunday morning, July 5, Lt. Col. Mark McDaniel will speak on God and Country Day. He is the 10th Air Force chaplain liaison as part of the 301st Fighter Wing. He is an Iraq war veteran and has spoken at the Pentagon.


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


May 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings


 “Be of Good Cheer” 

The past few weeks have been the strangest time of my life. I am saddened about the tens of thousands who have died from contracting Covid-19, but I rejoice that it is not nearly as bad as was first forecast. In fact, everything indicates that the worst is past and we will soon enjoy all aspects of life again.

Reflecting on the past few weeks, I admit feeling down about the whole situation. I miss the presence of my church family, but I am ever so grateful that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.

I have enjoyed hearing our Sunday School teachers as they bring lessons for our church. I saw a lesson on Facebook brought by the lady who taught me in Sunday School 50 years ago! What a blessing to see and hear her teach again.

Through all this we must claim John 16:33 where Jesus said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus promised that life for the believer will be difficult at times, but He also clearly stated that we can still have joy because He has overcome. We can overcome too, through our faith. In all circumstances we are confident that all things are working together for our good.


We are excited to announce that our first Sunday back will be Mother’s Day, May 10. This will be Phase 1 of a plan to reopen our church building. We will do so with these thoughts in mind:

1) If you are uncomfortable coming or if you are sick, please stay home. We will livestream the service.

2) We will only have in-person services on Sunday morning: No Sunday School or Children’s Church will occur until we go to Phase 2.

3) We will cap in-person attendance at 100. We will put any overflow into the Annex to watch the livestream.

4) The whole auditorium will be cleaned and sanitized.

5) Proper social distancing measures will be practiced, so no handshaking or hugging.

6) We will have masks available for anyone attending.

7) We will not pass an offering plate but will have a locked box on the back table of the auditorium.

8) The nursery will be open, but we will not have nursery workers. It will only be used if parents sit with their children.

We have put these measures in place to ensure we do not spread Covid-19 to anyone. Details for Phase 2 will be available soon, and we currently plan to start that phase on June 14. Any and all measures are subject to change, and we look forward to seeing you face-to-face soon and worshipping our God together! Thank you for being understanding during these difficult days!


We remind you again about important contact information. Tithes and offerings can be mailed to:

Calvary Baptist Church

700 Woodard Ave

Cleburne TX 76033

You can give online at:


For prayer requests, call the church or use the email addresses below.





The current world condition looks like prophecy fulfilled right before our eyes. Keep praying and looking for His return.


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


April 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings


“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” 

The night before our Savior died on the cross, He spoke extensively with His disciples. Five chapters in John (13-18) are dedicated to Christ’s “final words” to the men who had so faithfully followed Him the past three years.

After Judas Iscariot departs the room, Christ explains again that He will die soon. While John only records Peter’s protests, the other Gospels mention that all of the disciples proclaimed they would die for the Lord. Jesus then told Peter that before the rooster crowed, he would deny Him three times.

After witnessing the crowd proclaiming, “Hosanna to the Son of David” just a few days before, these words must have devastated them. Knowing their state of mind (and what would happen over the next three days), Jesus makes this simple statement, “Let not your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1).

He went on to explain why they should not fear. First, they had faith, “Ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Second, they had beautiful homes awaiting them in heaven. “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” Additionally, Christ Himself would be preparing these special dwellings. “I go to prepare a place for you.” Next, He would come again one day to take them back to their homes He had prepared. “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself.”

But we often miss a fifth reason, peace, because it is found later in the chapter. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

We live in troubled times. The last time we met as a church body for worship was March 15. On that day we were told to limit meetings to 250 people. The next day that number was changed to 50. Two days later the governor stated that no more than 10 people can meet together in a room. We now livestream our services and have Sunday school lessons online.

I miss the fellowship, the hand-shaking, the  simple conversations. I miss chasing Tom Morgan and David Smith out of the coffee shop so I can teach my Sunday School class. I miss standing in a group of people after the service and just talking. But most of all I miss “the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews 10:24).

All of this will eventually end, and we will gather again and hear the songs of the faith, the reading of Scripture, and the proclaiming of His Word. Until then, reach out to your friends in the church. Help others in their need. Continue your personal devotional time. Join us for the livestream services. Most of all, let not your heart be troubled.


In other sections of the newsletter we mention how to watch our services, but I want to state again that we are on Facebook @CalvaryBaptistChurch. If you do not have Facebook, we have a YouTube page. Go you youtube.com and type “Calvary Baptist Cleburne” in the search box.


We are excited about our Easter services. Sunday morning I will preach on “The Power of His Resurrection.” The Calvary Singers were working on a beautiful musical entitled “Worthy”, and we will present that to the church when everything returns to “normal.”







I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


March 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings


One of the new responses I have heard in recent years is: “How are you doing?” “Blessed.”

If you ask me right now how I am doing, I would also reply, “Blessed!”

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Calvary Baptist Church, my wife and I will be flying to Israel this month. We have been researching (my wife has done more than I have), purchasing (just ask Amazon and the delivery services), getting advice (thanks Darlene!), and figuring out exactly how many suitcases we can take.

The trip is led by Quentin Road Baptist Church in Illinois, and Dr. Carl Baugh will be the main guide. We are excited to be joined by some of our church members and a few from Grandview. I will be vlogging (amazingly spell check accepted that word). That means “Video Logging,” and I will make many live videos through my Facebook page, beginning a day or so before we leave through a few days after we get back (so you can see the effect of jet lag).

We will visit the Sea of Galilee, including a boat ride, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, the Garden Tomb & Calvary, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, and of course, Jerusalem. Betty and I will stay over one more day to see Petra which is in Jordan.

We are very excited, and I again want to say thanks to all who have given toward it. We are BLESSED!


We are also blessed as we finish the book of Titus in our Sunday morning messages. In this great book the Apostle Paul shared some great truths with young Titus. We found the main theme to be “Good Works.”

But he also wrote of the coming of Christ, salvation by grace alone, leadership, and many other topics. We only have two weeks left, and we hope you will be here at 10:30 AM to hear Paul’s conclusion to Titus!


Better yet, why don’t you come at 9:30 and join us for Sunday school and adult Bible study. Bro. Donnie presented a challenge to our teachers, and we have a new Sunday School Campaign that runs from March 8 to April 12.

April 12 is Easter Sunday. Begin inviting people NOW to our 10:30 service. The adult choir, with a little help from the children’s choir, will present the cantata, “Worthy.” It is filled with music that will touch your heart and help you realize anew what a great God we serve.

We also have our annual Easter Egg Hunt immediately after the morning service. Let’s pray now for God’s hand to be upon that service and on Calvary Baptist Church.


My wife’s article goes into more detail, but we want to encourage you to attend the Sunday evening services in March as we celebrate Missions Month. We will have a different missionary each night and look forward to hearing how God is working around the world. We will also hand out the Faith Promise Missions cards and look forward to an amazing month.


I am tremendously blessed to direct our Calvary Singers each week. I heard a pastor once say, “It is an insult to only mention a musicians talent. A lot of hard work goes into anyone who is successful in that field.”

Our choir works hard! We meet every Sunday at 4:30PM for practice, We try to sing music that blesses not just the hearer, but God Almighty. If God has blessed you with singing abilities, why not try us out this Sunday at 4:30?


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


February 2020 Newsletter

 Pastor’s Ponderings

 “Greater Love”

Few places are more moving to me than the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial and Arlington Cemetery. My first trip to Washington D.C. was 1988 (to think that was 32 years ago astounds me). I remember heading down the sloping walkway reading name after name of those who died while serving half a world away. It got eerily quiet when I reached the center. I wept as I saw the names and looked at the flowers, gifts, and notes left by people.

My first glimpse of Arlington Cemetery wasn’t quite as emotional since Betty and I were on a Tourmobile in the open air as we were driven through the national memorial. As the tour guide pointed out graves of famous individuals, I noticed a Bible verse on many of the headstones: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”

(John 15:13). While these words of Jesus Christ are so familiar, don’t miss the beginning of the next verse: “Ye are my friends.”

We can speak of love all day long, but until we see that the greatest love of all time was the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross, we will never understand true it. True love gives, and the supreme love was God sending His Son into the world to die for the sins of mankind. Thank you, Father, for your love!


We’ve got some great services coming up in February. On the 9th, all ladies will receive a gift for Heart Sunday. Our monthly Outreach follows on Tuesday the 11th, and the next Sunday Dr. Allen Hatch will be in our evening service singing and preaching. He will also be our special guest for Golden Agers on the 18th. We plan to have a couple of baptism services on the 9th and 23rd in the evening services to follow up on over forty children and teens who were saved at the David Corn rally last month. The month will end on “Leap Day”, the 29th with our monthly Men’s Prayer Breakfast and Bible study.

The next month will begin with a bang as we celebrate Missions Month and have a different missionary every Sunday night of March. Also, on March 1, we will have our annual business meeting at 5:00pm Sunday night.

We will also begin a new Sunday School campaign, “Open Our Eyes”, which begins March 8 and concludes Easter Sunday morning, April 12. We will have a teacher’s meeting the night of February 23 to explain it and motivate our teachers to “bring them in.”


My wife writes about our upcoming trip to Israel, but I want to express my gratefulness to all who have given and continue to give towards this special gift. I want to return a changed pastor as I walk where Jesus walked.


The past several weeks have been especially difficult for our church. In just a few weeks we had several church members or family of members go to be with the Lord. I’ve never been in a church that had two funerals on two consecutive days. The sorrow was, at times, overwhelming, but the hope was even stronger. Tears flowed, but we all remembered that “joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

As we move through the book of Titus on Sunday morning we are reminded of our great God and Savior who will come for us soon. Paul calls it the “Blessed Hope.” What a great description for that event in which the Lord returns to earth to receive us up to heaven to live with Him forever. I pray that we will all be ready for that glorious day of rapture and reunion!


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


January 2020 Newsletter

Pastor’s Ponderings

“Salt and Light”

The Sermon on the Mount is the single greatest sermon ever preached. When Jesus finished, “the people were astonished at his doctrine” because Jesus “taught them as one having authority” (Matthew 7:28-29).

The message begins with the “Beatitudes”, a series of verses beginning with the word Blessed. Jesus explains who is REALLY blessed, and His conclusions don’t always match with ours.

Then He uses two illustrations of what all true believers should be. First, He states, “Ye are the salt of the earth . . .” This is followed by a warning that if salt loses its flavor, it is useless.

The second image used by our Lord is light. “Ye are the light of the world.” You cannot hide a city on a hill, and you should never hide your light under a bushel.

Our Savior then explains why our light should shine. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

That’s the Key!!! Our shining light is our good works. When others see our good works, they glorify God!

That’s why we begin 2020 with a series through the book of Titus. Good works are a constant theme in this small book. I truly believe when we understand the need for good works it will change not only our lives, but the lives of those around us as they see the example we set and glorify the Lord.


We are excited to have Illusionist David Corn with us again. He will be in Sunday School and Children’s Church the morning of January 19. He will have the entire evening service that night. After blessing our students at our Wednesday On Track service, he will have a big rally Thursday night at Calvary.

Expect great things, for the last time he was here over 30 children were saved in the Thursday night rally. His unique show plus his gospel presentation make this a presentation you do NOT want to miss.


I want to express again my thanks for all who made the Christmas season a blessed time at Calvary. The decorated auditorium set the mood for the entire month. The congregation made a great effort to be at every service, and it showed. The Memorial Service was so moving. The children’s play was fabulous, and the Christmas party was a great success. The choir outdid themselves during the Christmas cantata, and the Lord’s Supper was a beautiful, solemn service.

I count it a privilege and an honor to be pastor of this great church, and I look forward to what God will do for us, in us, and through us in 2020.


The first several Sunday nights of January, I will emphasize the role of prayer in the growth of our church. The series, entitled, “Pray and Go” will present a straightforward method of praying for our town and using those prayers as a springboard for reaching our town.

From time to time I will ask the entire church to pray for something specific, and in January I want all of us to pray for our Outreach on January 14. We need you there!

We have a variety of methods to reach our community. Some will “canvas”, going door-to-door. Others will visit church members we have missed. Recent visitors will also be contacted. Some will write cards, and others will pray during the time. We meet Tuesday, January 14, at 10:00am and at 6:00pm. See You There!


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


December Newsletter

Pastor’s Ponderings

“Good . . . Works”

Busyness is a badge of honor in America. We move from one task to the next with effortless ease and pat ourselves on the back when we check off our to-do list. But are our lives meaningful?

I am amazed that Jesus accomplished exactly what He intended in only 3 1/2 years. How did He do it? He only did exactly what needed to be done.

After being here for six years I asked myself, “Have you accomplished what you set out to do?” The answer? “Maybe, somewhat, sort of.”

As we conclude 2019 and start a new year and a new decade, I ask everyone reading this, “Are you where you want to be? Are you WHO you want to be?”

To answer that question for all of us, I sought the Lord for a church theme for 2020. In 2019 we used the phrase “Renew, Restore, Refresh.” In the coming year we will see that “Good . . . Works.”

This is a play on words, for I want all of us to see that God intends us to perform good works. Yet I also hope we will understand that “Good . . . Works.” Being good is what will change ourselves and the world around us.

We understand that from God’s perspective we are all born in sin. David even acknowledged he was a sinner in his mother’s womb (Psalm 51:5). Paul said that no good thing dwells in his flesh (Romans 7:18).

At salvation, though, we are made partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), and through Christ have the ability to perform good works that are truly pleasing to the Lord.

In 2020 we will begin a series through the book of Titus. In that short book the word “good” appears eleven times in only 46 verses. Six of those times the words “work” or “works” follow the word “good.”

If we are to have the impact on Cleburne and the world that God intended, we must perform good works. And when we demonstrate good works, we will see that good works.


Once again we look forward to a blessed December. One of the most moving services is the December 8th Memorial Service in which we honor our loves ones and fellow church members who went to be with the Lord this past year.

That night we enjoy two special events. First, the children, under the direction of Jenny Young and Kristie Yancey will present the play “Peanut Butter Christmas.”

Immediately following the play we will move to the Family Life Center for our annual churchwide Christmas party. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy as we bless the Children’s Advocacy Center with these gifts to be distributed to local children. Also bring some finger food and we will enjoy sweet fellowship.

December 10 is our monthly Golden Agers meeting, Please bring your favorite Tex-Mex dish and/or dessert of your choice. We will enjoy a Christmas sing-along and continue to collect toys for the Children’s Advocacy Center.

Sunday morning, December 15, the Calvary Singers will present the cantata, “Christmas, Night of Angels.” The focus of this musical is the many appearances of angels during the first Christmas season.

That night, we will partake of the Lord’s Supper as we commemorate the death and soon coming of our Lord. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year.


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


November Newsletter

Pastor Ponderings 

 “Our Holy Days” 

We are entering the holiday season. I like the word “holiday.” Its roots come from the two words “holy day.” For the Christian, Resurrection Sunday is the greatest of all “holy days” followed by Christ’s crucifixion day.

But in November/December we focus on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Every day in November, some post on Facebook a different reason to be thankful. Included are things like family, friends, employment, country, and Jesus.

Thankfulness permeates the Bible. Jesus publicly thanked the Father (Matthew 11:25; John 11:41) He also was thankful before eating (Matthew 26:27; John 6:11). On three occasions in the Book of Revelation (4:9; 7:11-12; 11:16-17) the heavenly host are worshipping and thanking the Lord.

But the two thoughts of thankfulness that jump out to me are: 1) Being thankful always (Ephesians 1:16; 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 1:2), and; 2) Being thankful in and for everything (2 Corinthians 9:11; Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

My God commands me to be thankful in every situation. I don’t always like what is happening in my life. Some of my problems come from without, but my greatest difficulties are of my own making. My most challenging opponent is the man I see in the mirror every day.

I am also charged to be thankful all the time. That is difficult!! Sometimes I simply do not WANT to be thankful. But it is easier when I remember that “all things work together for good”

(Romans 8:28). No matter my circumstance God will eventually turn it into something good!


I hope you will join us Sunday, November 10, for my sixth anniversary at Calvary Baptist Church. In the morning I will bring a special message entitled “Opportunities.” That evening Kristie and Emily Yancey will bless us with a concert of great gospel songs. See you there!


We had a fabulous Fall Festival in October. We originally had a Trunk or Treat planned in which our folks would decorate their trunks and people would come by to get candy. Our Texas weather did not cooperate, so we moved indoors. The creativity of some of our members was incredible.

We had a fishing booth, tribbles, a circus, a ring toss, light people, angels, and much more. Thanks to all who participated, set up, cleaned, brought candy , tore down, and helped in any other way.


December’s schedule is awesome. The 1st is the church’s 77th anniversary. We don’t have any festivities planned, but we will recognize Calvary’s birthday. Our monthly Outreach is Tuesday, December 3rd at 10am and 6pm.

Sunday, December 8, is our Memorial Service in which we honor those who passed away this year. If you get your loved one’s name to the office by November 20, we will have an ornament for you.

The evening of December 8 is the children’s play, “Peanut Butter Christmas,” and our annual churchwide Christmas party follows the play. This is always a BIG evening, and more details will follow. The Golden Agers Christmas party will be Tuesday, December, 10, at 10:30am.

The choir will present a cantata, “Christmas, Night of Angels,” in the morning service of December 15, and we will take the Lord’s Supper in the evening service.

Let’s make the rest of the year the best of the year!


I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have:

1) Courage

2) Wisdom

3) Strength

4) Victory

5) Vision


October Newsletter

Pastor’s Ponderings


Is it really possible to get “A New You in Eight Weeks?” I started that series a few weeks ago, and so far we have attempted to implement three weekly habits. First, pray three times a day, on your knees if possible. Scripture records believers praying in the morning, at noon, in the evening, a great while before the sun rises, and even at midnight. Whatever times you choose, just do it! We next looked at eating one meal a day with someone else. The Bible records much about both food and fellowship. In Genesis 2 God commanded Adam to eat from the trees in the garden. Two verses later He said it wasn’t good that man was alone. We combined these two thoughts and asked everyone to have at least one meal a day with someone else. The last Sunday of September we introduced the habit of “Bible First.” We are tempted to begin the day with everything but God. Our phones demand our attention. ESPN Sports Center has highlights from the recent game. Morning news shows remind us of important events. Yet the best use of our time is to dive into God’s Word and prepare for the coming day. I am basing this series on a book I purchased recently entitled “The Common Rule.” Written by a Christian lawyer, the book chronicles his life of intense work that began pulling him from God. He realized that his Christian life was in great danger if he didn’t take the necessary steps to stay close to the Lord. After devising eight small habits (and I am altering the habits slightly) and implementing them into his busy life, he noticed a remarkable change. He emailed his journey to many of his friends who in turn passed them along to others. It made such a difference in the lives of so many that he wrote the book. In the first few weeks of this series I have had many tell me that the habits are already making a difference! Strive to make your fellowship with God and others a priority. ******************** I am ready for Fall! Last month was the warmest and driest September on record for DFW. No need to fear, for September, 2018, was the wettest on record with over 12 inches of rain. As I looked at the official rain chart I saw some interesting statistics. The two wettest years on record were 2015 and 2018. The two driest were 1921 and 1910. The greatest difference from one year to the next was 21.32 inches in 2014 and 62.61 inches in 2015 (over 41 inches). These numbers remind me of our spiritual lives. Sometimes the “showers of blessing” (Ezek 34:26) fall unhindered but other times we are in a “dry and thirsty land, where no water is” (Psalm 63:1). If all is well right now, continue to ask for God’s blessings and share those blessings with others. If you are in a dark place and life seems to be fighting you, remember that we all have seasons of ups and downs. We may have 21 inches of rain one year, but God is preparing us for 62 inches next year. Eventually we will all arrive where “the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). ******************** October is Revival Month! I hope you will be present at EVERY Sunday evening service as we hear great messages from God’s chosen servants! ******************** This year we will participate on Cleburne’s Fall Festival, “Autumn on the Square.” We will have a photo booth. Help us be a blessing to the community. ******************** I have asked from the beginning for you to pray for me and my family in five areas. Thank you for doing so, and please continue to plead with God that I would have: 1) Courage 2) Wisdom 3) Strength 4) Victory 5) Vision  
